Seriously, what was that Jesse idiot thinking?
Give a hollah to a ballah when you see him on the streeeeet, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
After an affair with a tattooed stripper, Sandra Bullock’s husband, Jesse James, has had many more women accuse him of cheating. You know the main difference between the outlaw Jesse James and this Jesse James? The outlaw Jesse James was better at keeping his gun in his holster.
The makers of a feminine hygiene product, Mooncup, have signed Amy Winehouse in a campaign to encourage better vagina hygiene. Because when you think of Amy Winehouse, you think of a spanky clean who-ha.
I was filling out the census form and I think they tried too hard to be hip and current. For example it asked; “Yo, how many broheimskis you got chillin’ all up in your hizzouse?”
Sandra Bullock’s movie “The Blindside” is out on DVD. Make no mistake, “The Blindside” is named for weak side lineman in football, not for the way Jesse James and his tattooed skanks are humiliating Sandra Bullock.
I was filling out the census form and I have a question: does Ryan Seacrest check manpanion, my homey or it’s complicated for Simon Cowel?
The makers of a feminine hygiene product, Mooncup, have signed Amy Winehouse in a campaign to encourage better vagina hygiene. Apparently Courtney Love was busy.
After an affair with a tattooed stripper, Sandra Bullock’s husband, Jesse James, has had more heavily-tattooed women accuse him of cheating with them. Apparently Jesse likes the tattoos so much he once accidentally made a pass at Dennis Rodman’s elbow.
In the NCAA tournament, #12 underdog ivy league school Cornell lost to #1 Kentucky. Cornell basketball is different. For example, they don’t trash talk they refer to it as refuse-oriented oratory.
In the NCAA tournament, #12 underdog ivy league school Cornell lost to #1 Kentucky. Basketball is not huge at Cornell, in fact most students didn’t know they had a gym until they attended a Jonas Brothers concert there.
The makers of a feminine hygiene product, Mooncup, have signed Amy Winehouse in a campaign to encourage women to nickname their vaginas. Lots of celebrity women have a nickname for their vaginas. You know what Heidi Montag calls her vagina? Spencer Pratt.
The makers of a feminine hygiene product, Mooncup, have signed Amy Winehouse in a campaign to encourage women to nickname their vaginas. Lots of celebrity women have a nickname for their vaginas. You know what Paris Hilton calls her vagina? The lobby.
I am really excited about tonight’s men’s NCAA college basketball match up of Purdue Vs. Duke. Those Duke fans are nuts: shirtless, head painted blue, drunk, sweaty and screaming. And that’s just the women professors.
Since you asked:
What is the deal with Vera Farmiga? Hot or cold? She goes back and forth to me. She has that plastic surgery looking nose. But she seems witty and sharp. And her body is fairly rockin' but then she can suddenly look like the chick version of Jar Jar Binks.
Sarah Palin goes hot and cold for me. Sometimes she’s the nasty librarian, other times she seems like fleshy white trash trying too hard to look good. But then she opens her "Fargo" mouth and any trace of the hot goes flying out.