Or as the students of U.C. San Diego would call it: a blatantly racist Canadian Stereotype
They best not mofo with our mojo, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Loved the Vancouver closing ceremonies especially that giant beaver. Apropos of nothing, anyone heard from the Octomom lately?
Congrats to Canada for a well deserved hockey gold medal. Maybe, in some small way, this will help make up for Celine Dion.
Great Olympics, Vancouver, but tell the truth: does anybody in the entire beautiful country of Canada actually know all the words to "Oh, Canada"?
Simon Cowell is engaged. It was very romantic. Simon got on one knee and said;
"Can I be honest with you? You weren't terrible, but you have to try and stick out from all the others."
Since you asked:
Loved the Vancouver closing ceremonies. Canadians are so great and they have a marvelous sense of humor - many or our top comedians are Canadian - and they love to make fun of themselves. First mocking the lighting-torch mishap made the whole initially embarrassing episode not only OK, but memorable and funny.
But, my word, the cavalcade of hot chick Mounties in mini skirts, the giant beaver floats, the huge Moose balloons, surrounded by dancing lumberjacks and scrapping hockey players? It was hysterical, but great at the same time.
Can you imagine the French if a ceremony included a man with giant mustache wearing a beret and a striped shirt riding a bike with a bag of bread in the front basket? Their heads would explode they would be so upset.