Really? Really? They’re gonna keep saying really, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers?
A high school in Texas has a club for girls who don’t wear makeup. What a coincidence, it turns out all the girls in the no makeup club are also in the Indigo Girls fan club.
A German company has made a chair that will inform you if you’re sitting in it incorrectly. For Americans it will even translate the German into English. For example, when you sit in it and it says; “Mann, haben sie einen fetten esel” it will translate to “Man, you have a fat ass.”
In Seattle, a woman in an anger management class got in a fight and stabbed another woman. The stabbed woman is OK, but her attacker will probably not get to keep her gold star for good behavior.
There continues to be growing feeling that last year’s Iranian presidential election was rigged by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It appears the election should have gone to his opponent, Al Gore-ejad.
The Germans have built a chair that informs you if you’re not sitting it in properly. And if you accidentally pass gas it will instruct you to go see a doctor.
Californians will vote on Proposition 19 to legalize marijuana. Because, in a state with rampant obesity and unemployment, what we need is more people getting stoned on their couch eating Oreos.
The highest Arab court has ruled, under Islamic law, it is OK for husbands to beat their wives as long as they don’t leave visible marks. They then went on to wish everyone a happy 2010, B.C.
Keith Richards has written an autobiography titled “Life.” The chapter devoted to his 20’s through his 50’s is titled; “Sorry, Mate, That Part’s a Bit Fuzzy.”
A Florida company has developed a red celery, or as it is also called: rhubarb.
Keith Richards has written an autobiography titled “Life.” It’s a real page-turner; “Woke up, lit a cigarette, figured out where I was. Drank, took drugs, passed out. Repeat.”
A Florida company has developed a red celery. Now Americans have two choices of celery not to eat.
In Miami, a 45-year-old Kayaker had to be taken by helicopter to a hospital after a jumping fish stabber her in the chest. Folks, for the last time, fish don’t like it when you pee in their ocean.
Since you asked:
Here is a new philosophy I have embraced over a deal I was working on the past week. I am not going to worry about things until there is something to worry about.
Man, lord knows I loves me some rain this time of year, it’s good for fire prevention, but man, oh, man.