We gonna t-bird that home skippy, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
In addition to Thanksgiving Detroit Lions football, there is the National Dog Show. One has a lot of howling, whining, messes on the ground, leg-humping and fleas. The other is a dog show.
Women in England are undergoing plastic surgery to make their female reproductive parts more attractive to their men. Apparently the procedure makes their vagina look like a soccer stadium.
President Barack Obama pardoned the Thanksgiving turkey, or as they are also known: the Detroit Lions.
More on the flamboyant performance of Adam Lambert at the American Music Awards. How gay was Lambert’s performance? It made Elton John look like an Indigo Girl.
You know what is the biggest bar business day of the year? Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Lots of bars are replacing happy hour with; “Drink Your Relatives Tolerable” hour.
More on the flamboyant performance of Adam Lambert at the American Music Awards. Security managed to restrain Kanye West from grabbing the mike to say he thought Clay Aiken had the gayest act of all time.
The San Diego Chargers handed out over two thousand turkeys to the needy; the mass handling of a bunch of turkeys will prove to be excellent practice for playing the Kansas City Chiefs.
HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Gumble” revealed the NFL is cracking down on binge drinking before NFL games. This is bad news for the Oakland Raider’s bench, it is going to make it a lot tougher to watch their team play.
HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Gumble” revealed the NFL is cracking down on binge drinking before NFL games. If it works, the Detroit Lions may be sober enough to win their game.
Congress is looking to amend a bill that would allow Amtrak passengers to carry a gun; that way, when you are horribly hurt in a train crash, you can put yourself out of your misery.
A women’s sex aide drug is awaiting approval from the FDA, or, as a lot of women are referring to the FDA now: Freaking deliver already.
A flood in an Eggo factory could lead to a waffle shortage next year. Which will hopefully lead to a fat ass shortage as well.
The audience for the “Twilight Saga: New Moon” opening was 80% women. And of those 20% men, 100% were whipped.