Thursday, February 24, 2011

"On a dark dessert highway, Cool Whip in my hair" (Don Henley's first draft)

Is it just me, or does this Moammar Gadhafi clown look like the guy on your plane whom you deeply suspect is passing all that nasty gas you keep smelling?

"Sports Illustrated" has a great piece on famous and not-so-famous athletes that have dropped the "Do you know who I am?" Including a surprisingly nasty Bill Walsh. When an underage Tiger Woods dropped it on a casino employee, the employee replied with "I don't care if you're the Lion King.

The list includes the obvious world class a-holes of Michael Irvin, Qyntel Woods and Ozzie Conseco.

Here is a little litmus test. If you have ever seriously dropped a DYKWIA, you are a bonafide, parking-in-two-spaces, parking-in-the-red-zone, hand-held-cell-phone-while-driving, no-turn-signal-using world class DEWHEWHEW OUCHE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!