You hangin' or bangin', Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers?
Tiger Woods held a press conference to apologize for his many affairs; there was an awkward moment when a writer asked Tiger about his mea culpa, Tiger said; "I'm not sure I remember a Mea, but I am sorry about sleeping with her as well."
I like that newly elected republican Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, he reminds me of a guy who likes to tell people; “Let me play with the numbers and get back to you.”
More Vancouver Olympics facts. Did you know that double- silver medal skier Julia Mancuso’s father did prison time for running a $140 million marijuana ring? Being around that much pot, it’s a miracle Julia did not turn out to be a criminal, or even worse, a snowboarder.
I like that Massachusetts republican senator, Scott Brown, he reminds me of a guy who always brings extra ice to a cocktail party.
I like that Massachusetts republican senator, Scott Brown, he reminds me of a guy who likes to wink and point a pistol finger at someone and say; “Kahhpewwwww.”
I like that Massachusetts republican senator, Scott Brown, he reminds me of a guy who likes to ask his golden retriever, “Who’s a good boy? Is Skipper a good boy? Yes he is. ”
I like that Massachusetts republican senator, Scott Brown, he reminds me of a guy who can fix anything with duct tape or a can of WD-40.
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