The best part of this picture? OK, the fifth best part of this picture? Look at the 'mokes behind the girls going nuts.
Sometimes I like to pack a meat sandwich and just be*, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
“Men’s Health” magazine ranked Fresno, CA as the drunkest city; in a related story, Fresno was ranked the greatest place for ugly people to hook up.
To give you an idea how drunk the people of Fresno are, the name of the city is actually pronounced Francescadero.
Upon hearing “Men’s Health” magazine ranked Fresno, CA as the drunkest city; the residents of Fresno pointed their index finger upward, looked at and said; “We’re number two.”
“Men’s Health” magazine ranked Fresno, CA as the drunkest city and a study by “The Daily Beast.com” ranked Fresno as the stupidest city. So not only is Fresno the drunkest city, it is also the stupidest city, so apparently Fresno is my sister-in-law’s ex-husband, Darrell.
The residents of Fresno are so furious at being named the drunkest city, they staggered out of their taverns, attacked the closest newsstands and urinated on all the copies of “Men’s Health” magazine.
At the Vancouver Olympics, Aya Yasuda of Japan was disqualified from the Luge for being overweight. That is how you know you are out of shape, when you are too fat to lie on a sled.
Yasuda was considered a favorite because she was on a sled made by Toyota that some considered unstoppable.
The Westminster Dog Show was protested by PETA. These dogs are hand- bathed, massaged, groomed, fed gourmet food and pampered in every possible way. I, Alex Kaseberg, am officially starting my own version of PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Alex.
*Five points if you can name that reference.
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