Goodbye faithful steed
Oh snap dappah do bob bing bang boom, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
“New moooon, I saw you standing alooooone”
“US” magazine reports “New Moon’s”, Taylor Lautner and singer, Taylor Swift, have broken up; thus ends the classic saga, The Tale of Two Taylors. As far as their relationship, apparently Swift was, like, whatever, and Lautner was all, as if.
A close anonymous source told me; “This is sad. Taylor and Taylor were so cute together. He called her his widdle monkey pickles, and she called him his big Tay-Tay Bear.” Then I threw up.
Another close source says the strain of having the same name became too much; “OMG, someone would, like, say Taylor and they were, all, like, which one?”
Another ugly rumor has it Swift became suspicious Lautner was calling out his own first name during sex. This is a sad, cautionary tale of how, when the fabric of a relationship gets torn, it can’t be repaired even when there are two Taylors.
(polite applause)
Woods goods
The latest rumor is the Tiger Woods scandal is that Tiger has had to retreat to Arizona for extensive dental and cosmetic surgery to repair injuries sustained the night of his crash; “Gosh, I hope such a wonderful husband and father is OK.” said no woman on earth.
Hey, Happy Birthday to Tiger Woods who is 34 today; that is 164 in Getting-caught-cheating-on-your-wife-15-times years.
Unless it’s them
An 18- year UCLA study reveals 75% of kids see their parents naked and are not traumatized. Unless either of their parents is named Michael Moore, Kirsty Alley or Al Gore.
So sexist
In Colorado, Charlie Sheen was arrested for domestic assault, Sheen, who has a history of violent relationships, including shooting fiancé, Kelly Preston; Sheen should consider going back to prostitutes, when it comes to women, Charlie has better luck renting than owning.
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