Friday, December 25, 2009
Previous Posts
- A closer shot of the Labrador tree angel Hop, stop...
- Sparky, our tree this year. Notice the Yellow Labr...
- One more of the Ying and Yang doggies, Kasey - in ...
- Dude, your life so sucks right now . . .Happy Hanu...
- Just Screw ItJust do it to it and screw it, Torn S...
- May the winds of Odin blow Thor's Thunder past the...
- Don’t be hatin’ on the Peyton, Torn Slatterns and ...
- Ying and Yang doggies, Kasey and WrigleyMake a pla...
- We can still like and admire this kind of TigerHol...
- My beloved UC Santa Barbara. It was OK if living i...
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