Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rock it ‘til you drop it, Torn Slattens and Nugget Ranchers

Good idea
A Dutch Bishop has suggested that all religions change their name from god to Allah to foster better relations with Muslims. Yeah, that’s a good idea. And while we’re at it, let’s change the name of suicide bombers to 72-virgin-daters.

Get the lead out
What is wrong with the Dodgers? They’ve lost 11 out of their last 14 to fall from tied for first to fourth place in the NL West. Things just got worse. Mattel has recalled the Dodger’s bats because they have lead in them.

Long time
Michael Vick is considering a plea bargain in his federal dog fighting case; the rumor from the NFL is that Vick will be suspended for one year. That is serious, one year is seven years in dog fighting years.

Roger, (hic)
The House is going to investigate the report that NASA allowed drunk astronauts to take off. They should have suspected there was a problem when they discovered the astronaut drinking game that everyone chugs when Houston says roger and when Roger says Houston.

A real long time
Ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy pleaded guilty in federal court to fixing games. He could face up to 25 years in prison. To give you an idea how long that is, in 25 years today’s NBA player’s illegitimate children could have their own illegitimate children.

Scary toy
Mattel issued a recall of over nine million toys made in China that are dangerous; one toy made in China was particularly dangerous. It was a tank that ran over protesting students.

Since you asked:

Rockin a b-day today, Slats and Nuggies. If you do know how old I am, I don't have to tell you. If you don't know how old I am, I don't want you to know.

But getting older is fine. You know what I really like best about getting older? What I really like about getting older is that, uh, you know, that, um, oh, shoot, what's it called?