Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Biggest seller in St. Louis? A t-shirt that says, 

"Get Blown Like Ken Bone." 

At the debate, Melania Trump wore a $1,000 Gucci blouse called a Pussy-bow. At the next debate, in honor of Trump, Melania is going to wear a dickie.

Evidence is the Kim Kardashian Paris jewel thieves were amateurs. They were timid, they argued, they dropped a necklace, they were so inept the police think they may have been Cleveland Browns. 

Not to say that it is over for Donald Trump, but if I was Trump’s German shepherd down in the bunker, I would be extremely nervous right now. 

The star of the debate, Ken Bone, explained his red sweater saying he wanted to wear a nice olive suit his mom loved, but he had gained 30 pounds and split the pants. If America was a cartoon character, little hearts would by flying out of our head.

Donald Trump told Billy Bush he grabs pussy and the star of the debate is a guy named Ken Bone. Bush, Bone and pussy. This isn’t an election, it is a bad junior high limerick. 

Outside of Los Angeles, a man survived an attack by two bears. They did make off with his $4 mil. ring and all of his jewelry.