Monday, June 23, 2014

Well, I hope we're not too messianic
                               Or a trifle too satanic
                            We love to play the blues

US women’s soccer goalie, Hope Solo, was accused of assaulting her sister and her nephew. She was charged with two counts of assault and one count of impersonating an NFL player.

In the World Cup, that last second goal by Portugal to tie the US was brutal. It was so bad, Dallas Cowboys fans had to double check to see if it was Tony Romo’s fault.

Not sure US sports fans understand the World Cup. When the players march out and line up behind the children, one US fan said; “How is that fair grownups playing against little kids?”

Not sure US sports fans understand the World Cup. When the players swapped jerseys at the end of the game, one fan in a bar yelled; “My word, the whole team has been traded.”

In the World Cup, Mexico faced Croatia. Or as they call that in Los Angeles, the three hours where nobody’s lawn was cared for.

In the World Cup, Mexico faced Croatia. Now, I don’t want to say US sports fans are not knowledgeable, but, prior to this game, many thought Croatia was a treatable skin ailment.