You know what I don't like about this picture? No, seriously, I'm asking . . .
Now, I don’t want to imply that Los Angeles Lakers Ron Artest is crazy, but Artest is proof there is no I in team, but there are two I’s in schizophrenia.
Lady Gaga visited the New York Yankee clubhouse dressed in stiletto heels, fishnet stockings, bikini bottoms, bra and an unbuttoned Yankee jersey. Pretty much the same outfit Adam Lambert wore when he came.
Despite being World Cup favorites, the French lost to Mexico 2-0 and have expelled a key player and are reportedly infighting. That’s amazing, even the French don’t like the French.
Lady Gaga visited the New York Yankee clubhouse dressed in stiletto heels, fishnet stockings, bikini bottoms, bra and an unbuttoned Yankee jersey. Some of the Yankee pitchers were so shocked they actually spoke English.
Watching these World Cup matches makes me feel so European. I’ve stopped shaving my legs, I drink during the day and I have an ever-growing contempt for those obnoxious Americans.
Despite being World Cup favorites, the French were eliminated in the first round after expelling a key player and fighting their coach. The good news for France? Nobody was ejected for head-butting like the last time. The bad news for France? Apparently all their players are buttheads.
France’s performance in the World Cup was so embarrassing and atrocious they are changing their name to the Oakland Raiders.
When France was eliminated from the World Cup by South Africa, 2-1, Parisians in Paris bars started to cheer for South Africa. Whoever heard of a country cheering for a country that defeats them? Oh, right, France.
How bad was France’s diva-implosion during the World Cup? To put it in US terms, it’s as if the New York Yankees blew off game one of the World Series to hang with their friends at the mall.
The World Cup continues to be annoyed by those droning vuvuzelas horns. Vuvuzelas is a Swahili word that roughly translated means: annoying tool used by an annoying tool.
Since you asked:
Why is it, when my friends tell me they liked a joke on my blog, they feel compelled to explain why they were looking at in the first place. Come on, folks. These are just jokes, and some of them aren't very good. It's not like I am peddling goat porn here.
Hmm. Nah.
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