Keep F'ing that chicken, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Paris Hilton to donate her brain to science after she passes. Science says;
"Gosh, you know what? Thanks, but we're good."
Blockbuster to close 960 stores. We tried to get a comment from a Blockbuster clerk, but she was on the phone and then took a twenty minute break.
You can see a documentary on how Blockbuster went out of business, but it is only available on Netflix.
Crosby Still and Nash are going on tour. Actually it is more of a senior citizen outing.
Since you asked:
Let's raise a glass and toast to all technical help folks and web site designers to hope they all end up in the fresh hell they so richly deserve for all of eternity.
Tried to log on to my fantasy football CBS website and it told me my password was wrong, but not to worry, they would send me one by e-mail. They send me a password with an underscore and about 25 letters and numbers. Fine, I carefully type it in just as they had it. It tells me I can't use any upper case numbers or letters. An underscore - that they sent me for my new password - is an upper case symbol, and they won't let me use it.
You want to be a technical computer help person? Remember this conversation:
"Go click on Start"
"Now click on the icon that says "Caller go F-yourself."
"No, trust me, there is an icon called "Caller go F-yourself."
"You can't find it? Oh, then you have a hardware problem."
And then hang up on them. But, remember, only after you have made them wait on hold for one complete hour.
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