This right here my go-to surf spot, Torrey Pines, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
It is getting ugly between Jon and Kate Gosselin. She accuses him of being an a-hole, he says she is a bitch. At least they are both pretty good judges of character.
China's world table tennis champion, 25-year-old Wang Hao, has just been given permission by his government to have a girlfriend for the first time. Isn't giving a ping pong player permission to have a girlfriend like giving pigs permission to fly?
25 and he has never had a date. But it does explain all of those ping pong paddle handles he keeps crushing.
If only his name was Wang Ho, this joke could write itself.
Since you asked:
To be be candid, I found it very difficult to put on the extra 25 pounds needed for my next role. Mostly I did it with burgers, steaks and eggs. And a lot of red wine. But what made it really hard was realizing, A, I don't have a movie role that requires me to gain 25 pounds, because, B, I'm not an actor.
Suddenly I feel very sad for myself.
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