Thursday, January 24, 2008

We makin’ the play to save the day by hittin' the trey from way far away, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

Jessica Simpson has been dumped by Dallas Cowboy Tony Romo. Wow, how hard is Terrell Owens going to cry now?
Me smartly
A British researcher claims that, although men and women have about the same IQ scores, men think they are much smarter than they are. That’s certainly not the case with me, I are exactly as smart as I thinked I was.

Getting up there
Rambo Four is opening up. The first one was “Rambo: First Blood.” I think this one is called “Rambo: Where’d I Put My Blood Thinner?”

What the hell?
Rock star Lenny Kravitz claims he hasn’t had sex with a woman in three years. What is the point of being a damn rock star? It’s like buying a Maserati to drive it to and from the bus station.

Since you asked:
Have you seen the History Channel show called “Kennedy”? My conspiracy theory friends are going to want to burn me as a heretic, but it pretty much convinced me that Oswald acted alone. Almost all the experts concluded the entry wound on Kennedy’s head was in the back.

Granted, it does not rule out that Oswald was recruited by either the Mafia or Fidel Castro but Castro makes a great point as to why he would not have done it: his whole life has been devoted to not motivating the US to invade Cuba.

What it did clearly illustrate was what a shameless liar and charlatan Oliver Stone was with “JFK.” (Believe me, at the time I swallowed it hook, line and sinker)

Under the ruse of claiming creative license, Stone flat out lied about the time Oswald had to shoot and the path of the “Magic” bullet. And it clearly showed the fourth shot heard and recorded on the Police Motorcycle could not have happened near the shooting. And Oswald was more than qualified to make those shots. The Walter Matthau character’s reference to Oswald having Maggy’s Drawers (meaning he was a bad shot) is also a huge lie. He was an excellent marksman. In fact, it was the only thing he was ever good at.

As for Stone’s incessant “back and to the left” yammering about Kennedy’s body motion after the fatal blow to the head, all the experts agree that the last signal your brain sends to your muscles is what impacts where your body goes, not the inertia of the impact of the bullet. People who get shot in the back of the head can lurch backward as easily as they lurch forward.

It did give me an odd sense of comfort and a sense of closure to know it probably was just Oswald. What the psychologists said motivates all the conspiracy theories is we all have a problem believing such an influential man can be randomly killed by such a pathetic loser, so we instinctively have to build up the cause of the murder to balance out the vast injustice.

What kills almost all conspiracy theories is the truth usually lies in the most logical and simplest answer. Oswald was a psycho sharp-shooting attention whore. Ruby was a vengeful, Kennedy–loving nut job whose mob ties were dubious at best. If we learned anything from recent events it is our government, the CIA, the FBI and Congress, is far too inept to have ever successfully pulled of something of this magnitude. And, as we learned from “The Sopranos” the mafia is just as inept as well. Can you see Paulie Walnuts and Christopher pulling off a presidential assassination?

You should check it out.