This just in:
Yesterday, San Diego outfield slugger Ryan Klesko bungled a routine fly ball that led to an 8-4 loss to the Detroit Tigers. Well, well, Mr. Big Shot millionaire Major League star Ryan Klesko, welcome to my little league worst moment as replayed in my recurring nightmares. Not so pretty is it, Rhino-stud? And you didn’t even have to deal with Betsy Brennan pointing and laughing at you all through art class until you cried and ran to the nurse’s office lying that you had a stomach ache and pleading for your Mommie to come and pick you up so you could curl up in bed clutching your stuffed dog, Morgie, until you sobbed yourself to sleep, now did you? Huh?
Oopsie. Heh, heh. Was, uh, was that, uh, last part at the end written out loud?
Ahem. Excuse me, I gotta go, uh, put some nails in that fence and chop some, uh, fire wood.
Anyone see my chewing tabacco around here? My issue of "Soldier of Fortune" magazine?
Yesterday, San Diego outfield slugger Ryan Klesko bungled a routine fly ball that led to an 8-4 loss to the Detroit Tigers. Well, well, Mr. Big Shot millionaire Major League star Ryan Klesko, welcome to my little league worst moment as replayed in my recurring nightmares. Not so pretty is it, Rhino-stud? And you didn’t even have to deal with Betsy Brennan pointing and laughing at you all through art class until you cried and ran to the nurse’s office lying that you had a stomach ache and pleading for your Mommie to come and pick you up so you could curl up in bed clutching your stuffed dog, Morgie, until you sobbed yourself to sleep, now did you? Huh?
Oopsie. Heh, heh. Was, uh, was that, uh, last part at the end written out loud?
Ahem. Excuse me, I gotta go, uh, put some nails in that fence and chop some, uh, fire wood.
Anyone see my chewing tabacco around here? My issue of "Soldier of Fortune" magazine?
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