Thursday, August 05, 2004

Oral Surgery 2

At one point, as the paradontist and his assistant where doing their best “Is it safe?” “Marathon Man” routine, the radio station started playing Phil Collins. Now, I can take endless needles and gum cutting and mandible scraping, but I cannot take it along with “Sussidio.” No human can.

Chicago/Wisconsin trip update:
What a great time. Great friends, great food – copious amounts of meat and grilled onions- tons of laughs, perfect weather, kayaking, swimming, running, sailing, tennis and fireworks over a mirror-like lake on a night with a huge, yellow, then silvery, full moon. And to cap it off, my daughter picked flowers from our great friend's garden – Mrs Woods - and she gently placed them on my parent's grave in the bucolic and peaceful garden of the Congregational church.