Thursday, March 25, 2004

We don't have to go there, but we did anyway, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

So doth the Donald writeth
*Donald Trump has written a book on how to get rich. In chapter six Trump says a good way to become rich is to become the hairstylist for Donald Trump.

Chapter three in Donald Trump's How to Get Rich: Get a TV show where you can a bunch of groveling butt -smoochers.

Who can blame her?
*Whitney Houston left her drug clinic after just five days. She claimed it was a big rip-off and a fraud. She was in there for five days and Whitney couldn't find one single drug in the entire so-called drug clinic.

It's a puzzle
*A Massachusetts judge ordered Bobby Brown to pay $63,500 or go to jail. Brown claims he can't pay it. Well, my goodness, what could Bobby and Whitney be spending all their money on? Hmm.

It appears Bobby's assets are not liquid right now, they are more in the powder form.

In an ill-advised move, Whitney Houston offered to pay the fine in cocaine.

About face
*Kobe Bryant faced his accuser for the first time in court. And when I say he faced her for the first time, I'm not kidding.

A nice try, Lex, but not quite
*Supposedly, after an argument with fellow "American Idol" judge, Paula Abdul, "Mr. Nasty" Simon Cowell rested his face in his hand with his middle finger extended, in the f-you gesture, toward Abdul. Simon denies the flip-off, so I guess it was just a phalanx malfunction.

Who dare he? What did he say?
*It is officially ugly between the White House and former counterterrorism official Richard Clarke. Clarke accused President Bush of subterfuge, an accusation that Bush both denied and had to look up.

John "Dude" Kerry
*John Kerry has resumed the campaign after his Idaho snowboard vacation. It still amazes me that Kerry is an avid snowboarder. If he gets elected president, will that make Kerry the First Dude?

This makes John Kerry the only snowboarder who doesn't smoke pot and call everyone Dude.

If you gave me one thousand activities for John Kerry, snowboarding would be the last one I would pick. Chess? Sure. Tiddlywinks? Maybe. Snowboarding? No chance.

I could have pictured John Kerry in a tutu before seeing him on a snowboard.

Personally, I can't picture John Kerry, rippin' a sick backside grinder, copping righteously gnarly air and stickin' the landing fakey.

Idaho? No, you da' Ho
*John Kerry has resumed the campaign after his snowboard vacation in Idaho. And speaking of Ho's, Courtney Love has been quiet lately.