Tuesday, January 16, 2018

We was left unawares by the bad fahlkune, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers 

Steve Bannon has been subpoenaed to testify to the House Intelligence Committee. The House Intelligence Committee is stocking up on Febreze. 

After a 35-year ban, Saudi Arabia is allowing movies again. They started with “Dude, Where’s My Camel?” 

A fellow porn star claims Stormy Daniels told her Donald Trump chased her around his hotel room in his tighty whities. As presidential images go, not exactly Washington crossing the Delaware, is it?

The Me Too movement to stop sexual harassment has really caught on. In Arkansas, goats have started the Mehehehehehe Too movement. 

The Time’s Up movement has brought awareness in Hollywood for women’s rights. In other words, Hollywood needs more Holly and a lot less Wood.

After a 35-year ban, Saudi Arabia is allowing movies again. They started with “40-Year-Old Virgin Gets 72 Virgins In Heaven.”

After a 35-year ban, Saudi Arabia is allowing movies again. They didn’t stop movies for religious reasons, they just saw “Smokey and the Bandit Part 3” and said, “That’s it.”

After a 35-year ban, Saudi Arabia is allowing movies again. They started with “Dude, Where’s My Jihad?”

Can you believe it has been just over 9 years since Capt. “Sully” Sullenberger landed his US Airways plane on the Hudson River? And just now the passengers are getting their luggage.

Scientists claim, in ten years, they will be able to translate animal noises into language. So, New Zealand shepherds, that gives you ten years to get your stories straight.