Monday, February 20, 2017

If I have told you once, I have told you a billion times, do not exagerate, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

Flamboyantly gay conservative, Milo Yiannopoulos, lost a book deal after he condoned 13-year-old pedophilia and priests having sex with boys. Yiannopoulos is a Greek word that means Gay Billy Bush.

TMZ shows a video of openly gay ex-boxer, Yusaf Mack, beating up a guy in a barbershop who was harassing Mack online about his sexuality. Mack tried to knock the guy senseless, but anyone who taunts an ex-pro boxer doesn’t have any sense to knock out. 

Flamboyantly gay conservative, Milo Yiannopoulos, lost a book deal after he condoned 13-year-old pedophilia and priests having sex with boys. Yiannopoulos is a Greek word that means Shameless Publicity Slut.

A study claims a four-second pause can cause an awkward conversation. Especially if that four- second pause comes after the phrase, “I’m pregnant.”

Since You Up and Damn Asked;

Lex's Five Life Coaching Tips

Historically, great athletes have made terrible coaches. Kareem Abdul Jabbar used to tell players, 

"Look, it's easy. Just pivot in front of the basket, jump and throw a hook shot down into the hoop."

Oh, that's great, but there is one problem, Kareem. You are the only person on the planet who can do that. 

So based on the theory that players who had to work their ass off at the game, because sometimes the game kicked their ass, they become better coaches, I am now going to become your life coach with my five tips.

One, start with coffee. A moderate amount of coffee is the only way to get going. Careful. Too much and you turn into Martin Scorsese, or worse, Tom Arnold. 

Two, use your brain as much as you can. If you have a job where you use the creative side of your brain, good for you. 

If your job is more physically-oriented, good for you, but listen to the radio if they let you, take time during lunch or breaks to play checkers, or Words With Friends, Connect Four or write in a journal. Or start a blog. Read. Write. Your brain is a muscle and there is no better feeling than when, at the end of the day, that muscle is tired.

Three. Now it is time to exercise. Walk your dog. Walk yourself. Jump rope. Do burpies. Ride a stationary bike. Treadmill. Get an exercise DVD. Planks. Vacuum. Walk up and down the stairs. Jumping Jacks. Any damn thing.

Four, meditate before dinner for 20 minutes. (Now before you think I am asking you to go join a convent/monastery or al Qaeda, you can learn how to meditate online. There is no chanting, no incense, no lotus position. Better yet, buy "Meditation For Dummies." )

For twenty minutes, repeat a soothing sound in your head called a mantra. It cannot mean anything or be stressful in any way. When you lose track of the mantra, and you begin worrying, just slowly get back to it. Meditation works. 

I took Transcendental Meditation in high school for track to increase my reaction time. But meditation is even more important as you get older. There is a lot of useless crap bouncing around up there. You need to clean it out. Meditation is a garage sale for the brain.

Five. As a reward for doing the first four, have a glass of wine or a beer. Preferably as you are grilling meat. Or two glasses. No more than three, but that is it. Otherwise you will feel like crap in the morning. And don't drive. And you don't get five unless you did all four before.

Five tips. 

Now be careful out there. 

And please, please, please try and remember Jimmy Valvano's amazingly great advice when he was dying. Every day try to think, laugh and cry. If you can do all three, that is a good day. 

Oh, and one more. If you're having a hard time falling asleep? Just tell yourself you're going to get up in five minutes and do some reading or writing for a while. Then lie in bed and think about what you're going to read or write. 

The key to falling asleep is trying to stay awake.