The Sundance "No kidding around" Kid
Whoa, smack, bitty-bop, bang, shalang, kaboom, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
A woman was kicked off an Amtrak train from California to Portland for talking on her cell phone for 16 straight hours. Now we know why Osama bin Laden wanted to blow up Amtrak.
Just saw a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love-child mistress, Mildred Baena. Wow, OK, first thing we have to do is stage an intervention and get Arnold off of his Viagra addiction.
In his autobiography, “American Idol” judge Steven Tyler said he tried gay sex once, and he just did not dig it. To which Ryan Seacrest said; “Quitter.”
Hey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, if you’re gonna risk losing hundreds of millions in a divorce, you might not want to have an affair with a woman who resembles Shrek.
Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he is putting his career on hold. Oh, he is the one putting his career on hold? Arnold’s career is so dead Mel Gibson isn’t returning his calls.
Apparently some devout Christians believe Saturday is the rapture and they will be swept into heaven and everyone else will be killed in the Apocalypse. Finally some good news for New York Mets fans.
Haley was voted off “American Idol.” She seemed fine, but Haley’s parents were upset, both Steven Tyler and Melissa Ethridge.
So how does this being swept into heaven for being a good Christian rapture thing work? Is it like Christmas where you just have to be good up to a certain date?
Scientists say the difference between being a genius or an idiot comes down to a single gene. They are calling it the Ron Howard/Clint Howard syndrome.
Scientists say coffee can seriously cut down a man’s risk of getting prostate cancer. However, coffee has virtually no effect on a woman’s risk of getting prostate cancer.
Guys, this shows how far Starbucks has been sticking it to us.
Since you asked:
As I am a fan of Robert Redford’s work, but not necessarily of the individual, it has been interesting to read bits and pieces from reviews of his biography, but I don’t want to invest the time to read the whole thing.
An interesting fact that emerges is that Redford is difficult. He is driven and a perfectionist, but he is also chronically late and a cold and distant diva. William Goldman had very unflattering things to say about Redford letting success turn him into a paranoid recluse – implying heavy cocaine use or alcohol abuse if not both – without actually saying it.
Redford himself admitted to drinking himself out of a baseball scholarship at the University of Colorado. One of the psychological insights that Goldman offers is that many difficult movie stars are woefully insecure pseudo-intellectuals masking their humiliation of having failed spectacularly socially as well as educationally. Redford, Barbra Striesand, Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman to be specific. Beatty and Redford at least flunked out of freshman year of college, Hoffman and Streisand didn’t graduate from high school.
Utter social and educational failure early in life also helps explain the psychopathic womanizing Hoffman and Beatty indulge. Nobody needs to sleep with thousands of women who isn’t seriously screwed up psychologically and epically insecure. (See: Arnold*)
This also explains not-so-bright actors hilariously uninformed opinions on politics and yet their utter insistence of trying to appear politically astute.
That also explains why these actors are so mean and often sadistic to writers, directors and producers who they rightfully feel are vastly intellectually superior. Goldman described Hoffman’s abuse of “Tootsie” author, Larry Gelbert as borderline criminal. When Hoffman tried every way he could to have Gelbart fired, he resigned to naming a drinking buddy Gelbert despised as a co-writer so Gelbert wouldn’t get all the credit for writing it.
As for Hoffman, all Gelbert would say was the hilarious swipe;
“Never work with an actor who is shorter than the Oscar statue.”
Redford does amazing things with his specific cool rustic Sundance Kid style and single-mindedness. His personality also explains his gorgeous Redford-y looking restaurant Zoom in Park City, the tremendous menu selection – I had a rib-eye with a red wine reduction that rivaled my own - as well as the incredibly gorgeous and snotty, stuck up hostess literally looking down her nose at everyone who shows up to eat who dares not being Robert Redford.
There is no denying the giant impact Robert Redford has on the world. From his amazing films, his own ski resort, and the Sundance Film Festival to his huge impact on environmental issues. Nowhere is it written a guy who can do all of that has to be a nice, warm and fuzzy. Unlike we have discovered too well with the utterly phony Arnold Schwarzenegger, Redford is the real deal.
Redford is also a giant pain-in-the-ass who, like Clint Eastwood, works way too hard and, as a result, has almost no fun while doing it, working hard at living up to the impossibly iconic image they have so carefully crafted.Of Mick Jagger - who also fell way short academically, especially in the eyes of his fairly renowned professor father, Joe - Keith Richards once remarked;
“You’d think it would be a lot of fun being Mick Jagger, but he works extremely hard at it.”
In short, Paul Newman is Keith Richards, and Robert Redford is Mick Jagger.
*Obviously, Arnold’s insecurities were not physical short-comings, like Dustin Hoffman. But I will never forget the first time I saw Arnold. He was just a champion body builder and was a guest on the “Mike Douglass Show.”
Clearly without informing his panel of guests ahead of time, Douglass handed out cards for the guest to take turns reading. Right away I noticed something was horribly wrong with Arnold. This giant mass of a hulking man looked scared and terrified as a little kitten.
When it came his turn to read, Arnold froze. He tried muttering and finally just threw the card aside in abject embarrassment. Douglass and the other guests shared incredulous looks. At that time, whether it was due to a language gap or not, either way, the later-to-be-former Governor of California could not read English.
To be perfectly candid, I lost respect for Arnold Schwarzenegger ever since he opted to wear a dead biker's underwear in "The Terminator."
You're welcome for that image.
P.S. Wasn't it great getting that really nice e-mail from your reader in Brazil, Tatiana? Oh, what, you didn't get one? Well I did, so neener, neener, schaneener neee haw. (Doing the Snoopy dance) Thanks Tatiana.
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