Wednesday, August 30, 2017

ESPN radio host, Ryan Rusillo, was charged with being drunk and naked in a stranger’s Jackson Hole condo. ESPN now stands for especially sauced, partying naked.

Evangelist Joel Osteen is now saying he did not open his church to flood victims because nobody asked him. This amounts to the weakest defense since the Cleveland Browns were on a football field.

Evangelist Joel Osteen is now saying he did not open his church to flood victims because nobody officially asked him. It is the vaunted, “Say pretty please,” defense.

“Fox News” has hired right-winger, Tomi Lahren, as an analyst. In other shocking news, the “Food Network” has hired Chris Christie as their nachos expert.

All over Texas we’re hearing stories of courage and generosity in helping flood victims. And today in Houston, Joel Osteen even unlocked one of his church’s bathrooms. 

North Korea fired a missile over Japan. Eight years ago, when Donald Trump hosted a sloppy drunk Dennis Rodman on “Celebrity Apprentice,” who could have imagined those two would be our last chance for world peace?

USC unveiled a statue with a quote from “Hamlet” that misspelled Shakespeare. Asked to comment, a USC spokesperson said, 

“Who cares as long as our football team are goodly?”