Tuesday, September 23, 2014

These signs are why I want the Giants to advance. Want them to continue.

My Hunter Pence signs:

Hunter Pence moves his lips when he reads.

Hunter Pence loves to talk about his gluten-free diet. 

Hunter Pence ends his sentences with a preposition.

Hunter Pence walks slowly in the middle of parking lots

Hunter Pence writes emails in all caps

Hunter Pence posts selfiess of his food on Facebook

Hunter Pence acts like you called him when he calls

Hunter Pence cleans his ears with his car key. And then looks at it.

Hunter Pence takes off his shoes in a plane and rubs his feet

Hunter Pence leaves an empty coffee pot

Hunter Pence pronounces Jaguar with three syllables. 

Hunter Pence rocks and humms when he eats.

Hunter Pence loves the group Wham.

Hunter Pence eats kale.

Hunter Pence can't have different foods touch on his plate.

Hunter Pence asks if he can be honest with you.

Hunter Pence uses literally literally all the time. 

Hunter Pence asks "What happens now?" during movies. 

Hunter Pence likes to access turning nouns into verbs. 

Hunter Pence uses the English pronunciation of controversy.

Advice from a G.D.I, or undeclared

Dear Conservatives:

If you poop on absolutely everything Obama does, you will miss the important things to poop on. 


Triumph the insult comic dog.