Did you notice what I did? Yep, what an ugly color of green on that board.
Too hot to handle now, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Tuesday in LA, a United States Postal Service mailman was caught on security camera throwing a fragile box, a cuckoo clock, over a fence. When informed the Post Office was shocked. The mailman wasn’t supposed to throw that package over the fence until Friday.
In an interview with “Men’s Journal” Mark Wahlberg said, if he was on one of the 9-11 hijacked planes, he would have stopped the terrorists. How? Take off his shirt and rub them to death with his washboard abs?
The captain of the cruise ship, Costa Concordia, that sunk off the coast of Italy, now says he did not abandon ship, he tripped and fell into a lifeboat. To which Arnold Schwarzenegger said; “Oh, yeah, and I tripped and fell on top of the housekeeper.”
Now we know why the captain didn't wait for the passengers, he assumed Mark Wahlberg would save them.
A North Carolina inmate tried to sneak a gun in his rectum into prison. They discovered it when he kept asking his cellmate:
“Does this gun make my ass look big?”
"The New York Post" is reporting that Kim Kardashian's popularity is in a free-fall. Her show's ratings have plummeted, her products are not selling, her appearance fees have vanished. Wow, thanks, Tim Tebow, there really is a god.
In an interview with “Men’s Journal” Mark Wahlberg said, if he was on one of the 9-11 hijacked planes, he would have stopped the terrorists. Oh, yeah, the rapping career as Marky-Mark, the underwear ads, "Entourage", I get it. Mark Wahlberg is a douche-bag.
Since you asked:
Although I am pulling for the Niners and the Ravens, I don't think either will win. I got the Pats big over the Ravens, 41-19, and the Giants just outscoring the Niners, 36-33.
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