Thursday, September 06, 2018

Woo, woo, here comes the Goose-Moose Express, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

Twitter has banned Alex Jones for abuse. “Gosh, I wish I could do that,” said Alex Jones’s penis.

In addition to blaming his wife’s bookkeeping on stealing $250,000 of campaign funds, Rep. Duncan Hunter spent cash on five different extramarital affairs. It will be interesting to see how he blames his wife for this one.

We know the anonymous "NYT" op-ed was not written by Eric Trump because it was not done in Hooked-On-Phonics.

Is it just  me, or has Brett Kavanaugh spent way too much of his time smoking a pipe with a sweater tied around his neck?

"Unhinged," "Fire and Fury," and "Fear." 

"I'll take 'Four words Used when Eric Trump Lights a Campfire,' for $500, Alex."