Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The BAd Falkeeewn done let my ass down, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

Apple was hit with a $440 mil. judgment in a patent lawsuit. Apple paid the fine out of their office swear jar. 

A calf from a slaughterhouse escaped into Brooklyn. The calf was easy to detect because it was wearing leather.

A calf from a slaughterhouse escaped into Brooklyn. The calf was ostracized in Hipster Brooklyn for wearing leather.

The calf was hard to find because it had a goatee and a nose ring and it was wearing a wool hat. 

Apple was hit with a $440 mil. judgment in a patent lawsuit. Apple said the fine was excessive and could result in two or three trips to the ATM.

Harvey Weinstein vowed he will continue to make movies with or without the Weinstein Co. Although it will be challenging for Weinstein to make movie without another thing. What are they called? Oh, right. Actresses.

Apple was hit with a $440 mil. judgment in a patent lawsuit. Apple begged the court for an extension to pay the fine due to the time it would take to dig that much money out of the cushions of their break-room couch.

The victims in the Harvey Weinstein harassment scandal keep coming. Hard to imagine a guy would have trouble with women who has a face like Tom Arnold’s scrotum.

Apple was hit with a $440 mil. judgment in a patent lawsuit. Apple said they needed time to raise the money… 3…2…1…, OK, that’s enough time. 

Harvey Weinstein vowed to continue to make movies. Although it will be tough considering the thousands of actors who have vowed never to work for such a vile predator.  Unless he pays them.