Tuesday, March 18, 2014

They now claim the last thing said on the Malaysian 370 plane was said by the co-pilot; here is what the co-pilot may have said:
“Shouldn’t the water be down and the sky be up?”
“This cordless blender is great for making cockpit margaritas.”
“Go up and come down real fast so we can play “Gravity” again.”
“With all the GPS apps, at least it's impossible to lose a plane anymore.”
“We can both catch a quick nap. What can happen?”
“Please, we both know operating an electrical device can’t really crash an airplane.”
“Oh, crap, one of the passengers left their trey table in the down and unlocked position.”

“The red-thingie is blinking downward on the screen. I sure hope we’re not the red-thingie.”

Since you asked:

After seeing “Without Limits” a zillion times, it was fascinating to see the differences in the Jared Leto, “Prefontaine.” Rotten Tomatoes sums it up. “Without Limits” got 89% good tomatoes, “Prefontaine” 53% rotten tomatoes.
Leto was fine, he was good. But the clownish nature of how they portrayed his coach, Bill Bowerman, with the usually awesome R. Lee Ermey, was bad. So was the script, the dialogue and the directing. The track scenes were embarrassing in “Prefontaine” compared to “Without Limits.” “P” should have stuck with just the real footage.

Without "Without Limits" "Prefontaine" would have looked much better, because it is a great story about a fascinating guy. 
Both movies came out around the same time, but if I have to bet, I would guess “Prefontaine” was rushed to come out first, because that is how it seems. Rushed.
“WL” was just better all the way around. “P” was like a student film/documentary trying too hard to prove that Prefontaine would have won a gold medal in 1976. Which he might have – Pre’s 5K personal best was three seconds faster than Viren’s winning time in 1976 - but victory was no sure thing.
“Prefontaine” took great dramatic license in making Pre look like the Abraham Lincoln of track athletes and the head of the AAU - in real life the scum-bucket, Olan Caselle - was like an evil, sinister Bond character. In "Without Limits" the Olan Cassalle character was the cheesy, sleazy officious jerk he probably was. 

"Without Limits" captured the magic, beauty and hopefullness of that time, "Prefontaine" documented the bad fashion and tackiness. And the music in "Without Limits" was much better. 
Kenny Moore was a close friend of Pre’s and his story, “Without Limits,” is much more of a love story. It glosses over the heavy, pass-out drinking Pre indulged in that is shown on “Prefontaine.” (A buddy of mine helped carry Pre out of the Paddock on more than one occasion)
The truth about the man is probably somewhere in between, but the movie, “Without Limits” did a much better job, especially with the track meets and the Olympics. Mac Wilkens comes off as an annoying, whiney bitch in “Prefontaine.”

What both movies should get across is that you don’t have to have a gold medal to be a great, great athlete who accomplished many magical results. Those results will be magical forever.