Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This is what the Cardiff Kook (Magic Carpet Ride) looks like "normally."
This is what it looked like Saturday until the Encinitas City Council had it ripped down. Proving once again the Encinitas City Council of Stocks and Bonds has as much a sense of humor as does Donald Trump about his hair. What a bunch of pompous wankers.

Headline reads: "World's Largest Rodent Spotted in California." OK, maybe it is time the press takes it easier on Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Prince Harry and his lingerie super model girlfriend broke up. Gosh darn it, if there was just some way a handsome young billionaire helicopter pilot prince could find a way to meet women.

To give you an idea how spoiled Prince Harry is with women, he had Pippa Middleton and he threw her back into the lake. I am trying as hard as I can, but I can't think of a reason why a guy would break up with a lingerie super model;

"OK, honey, everyone deserves a second chance. Just promise me you won't lace my tea with arsenic again. The paramedics said I almost died."