Miss Cuthbert, you gorgeous stack of pancakes, you, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers.
Not been able to follow the news lately. Anything exciting happen?
Just when you thought things could not get worse for Osama. You know those 72 virgins he's expecting? Turns out it is just one 72-year-old virgin.
Did you see Seth Meyers roast Donald Trump at the Correspondent's Dinner? Trump was so angry, that thing on top of his head was snarling.
Not a life coach or anything, but I do know if the news of your death causes the spontaneous celebration of hundreds and hundreds of millions? You would have been wise to have spent more time on your people skills.
In a just world the Navy Seals would now send Moammar Kadhafi a box of Depends undergarments.
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