Now, see, this'n right here called getten'r done.
Give a holla to a broudah when you see him on the streeeeeeeeeeet, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Now see here. Not to be an old fuddy-duddy, but I'm not sure these young "American Idol" whipper-snappers get Motown. Like that one chap who keeps telling folks the correct name is Gaytown. And that other roust-about who keeps trying to wave hello at Stevie Wonder, see.
But then again, I am such and old-school scamp, the other day I picked up the phone and said;
"By cracky, operator, be a good sport and connect me with Highland six, twenty four ninety five, and make it on the skippy, see, and everything will be jake. "
14-year-old kid in Utah tells police he was grazed by a bullet to cover that he fell and ripped his new pants. Police were suspicious. This was the same kid who reported a burglar broke into his bedroom and wet his bed.
Guess what movie I'mma watch tonicht? "Von Ryan's Express." Frank Sinatra and others dressing as Natsees and killin' Natsees and riding on a train? You kidding me? Loved that as a kid. My dad hated Frank as an actor as much as he loved him as a singer. But Frank does a good job on this one.
With hounds by my side. My hounds, Kasey and Wrigley, crack me up all the time. Kasey, bless her heart, will be 16 in August - if she makes it, knock on wood. If you merge a sweet little bear with a little old lady, that's Kasey-bear.
Wrigley is like a little white moose with no sense nor horns.
My dogs give me a wonderful barometer to measure people. Simply, if somebody is not on an equal level with my dogs, not above, just equal, in terms of kindness, loyalty, funniness and honesty, I don't like them.
There are a lot or really rich, smart and successful people who can't pass this test.
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