Apparently I just missed this at Scripps on Sunday
The hand of fate is on me now, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
In Syria, a 5-year-old boy is engaged to a 3-year-old girl. He decided to marry a younger women because all the women his age were bitter, jaded and poopy-heads.
A woman in China had a wedding and married herself; and here I didn’t know they had same sex marriage in China.
Now Charlie Sheen is saying trashing his New York suite, locking an escort in the closet was overblown. Wow, getting overblown in New York costs $1,000 extra. Just ask Elliot Spitzer. The Texas Rangers got beaten in the World Series by the San Francisco Giants. How bad? Let’s just say Charlie Sheen treats hotel suites and hookers better than the Giants treated the Rangers.
A woman in China had a wedding to marry herself. It was very romantic, the couple wrote her own vows. If you want to get her a gift, she is registered at Bed, Bath and Pathetic.
Halloween is the day the dead walk among the living. Kind of like the democrats were doing in House of Representatives after the election.
Isn’t the San Francisco Giant’s AT&T Park beautiful? I’d say it is as beautiful as Chicago’s Wrigley Field in late October, but nobody has ever seen Wrigley Field in late October.
How about that World Series? I don't want to say the Giants catcher, Buster Posey, looks young, but two more hits and he'll have earned his Boy Scout baseball merit badge.
The San Francisco Giants beat the Texas Rangers in the first two games of the World Series. I love San Francisco fans, they wear black wigs to look like pitcher Tim Lincecum, they wear panda hats to look like “Kung Fu Panda” third baseman, Pablo Sandavol, they wear dark beards to look like relief pitcher Brian Wilson, they dress up like Cher and Bette Midler.” Cher and Bette aren’t connected to baseball, they just like to dress up as them.
I’ve been reading Keith Richard’s memoir “Life” and it is fascinating. Did you know Keith Richards did not do groupies? He did heroin, acid, coke, mushrooms and qualudes, but he didn’t do groupies.
During the World Series in San Francisco, did you see the stand up paddle boarders in McCovey Cove? It’s a surfboard you stand up on and paddle. Don’t confuse this with the democrats in congress. They’re up the creek without a paddle.
Since you asked:
Amazing Halloween party Saturday night – Virg and I dressed like pirates, A.C. was a Care Bear – got up and went SUP surfing at Scripps, Sunday. Water clear as glass 65 degrees, very nice. Apparently just missed a huge pod of whales. Watched football and baseball, grilled a steak sandwich and handed out candy, again dressed as a pirate.
Oh, on the steak I rubbed some coffee along with the usual garlic powder pepper and sea salt. Very great smoky taste, not overly-coffee flavored at all. Plus I tossed in some diced green chilis in with my sautéed onions. Very good touch.
Lex's election views:
Speaking as the true undeclared/independent that I am, I think if the republicans consider this election result a huge referendum against Obama, they’re nuts. First of all, the tea-party republicans are going to fight regular republicans which is what democrats do, just from a different side.
Secondly, Obama’s statement of “Some election nights are more fun than others” isn’t exactly the; “We are in the bunker trying to figure out whether to shoot ourselves or take the pills” kind of response the republicans were looking for.
If anything, this election was more of a backlash at Nancy Pelosi than Obama.
The other perspective is that there are two years to go. If the public perceives this election as a republican takeover in congress - as the press is reporting it - than if the republicans don’t remarkably improve things by 2012, there will be a backlash against the backlash which could help Obama and the democrats.
The races in California were closer than the democrats hoped, but they did win with Brown and Boxer. So that means Brown and Boxer are on thinner ice with the voters than expected and had better produce in California and I mean soon or they could get democrats heads handed to them in 2012.
What was the most valuable and important lesson of this election? Without question it was the understanding that NBC White House reporter, Savannah Guthrie, is smoking, smoking hot. Good googlie muck.
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