Hey, little thing let me light your candle ‘cause, Mama, I'm sure hard to handle now, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
The traffic side of the Tiger Woods saga is over with Tiger receiving a ticket for reckless driving and a fine of $164. Tiger offered to pay the fine in cash asking the police; “Do you have change for a ten million dollar bill?”
The Tiger Woods sex scandal seems to be slowing down. All comedy writers can do now is sit and wait patiently until Tiger shoots a 69 or a hole in one.
Tiger Woods issued a statement saying he regretted his transgressions that let his family down; Tiger did want to acknowledge the support he has received, specifically the nice fruit basket from Adam Lambert with a card saying; “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
This Tiger Woods fiasco keeps getting worse. How bad is it? This is the first time in ten years somebody somewhere is happy they’re not Tiger Woods.
It is now known Tiger Woods wife, Elin, broke his car window with a pitching wedge in anger, not to save him. And Tiger is upset, when she swung the club she didn’t keep her head down, rotate her hips or follow through.
The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled teachers can have sex with their 16- year-old or older students if the sex is consensual. In a related story, all of the teachers in Florida are now moving to Georgia.
Since you asked:
Now that I have had some time to think about it, I take back my “Now that he has come clean, give Tiger a break” attitude.
An ex-friend of mine cheated on his wife – she was no prize cheating also, but she was better at hiding it – the very night she delivered their child. As horrified as we all were when we heard about it, at the time I did not have a child of my own.
When Ann Caroline was born, just the thought of somebody cheating on their wife and the mother of their child at such a special time hit home so hard and became so repugnant it nearly made me sick to think I had a friend who did that. So I decided he wasn’t a friend anymore.
From that point on, I couldn’t stand to be around him. Couldn't talk to him on the phone. Still haven't and won't. That episode ripped the “What a nice guy” veil off his face and revealed to all of us what a scum bag he was. And he turned out to be an utter scumbag, a true sociopath: lying, stealing, cheating, he could do it all. He was the triple threat of sociopaths.
Tiger Woods started cheating on the mother of his children when she was pregnant and kept going.
Add that to the existing stories of Tiger being a cheapskate with tips and rude to children who are seeking autographs, an ugly drunk and also add all the new and sordid trollops that are slithering out of the cracks in the sidewalk to say they also slept with Tiger, and the jury is pretty much in: Tiger Woods is an utter scumbag for whom I will no longer give a rat’s ass.
Go Phil Michelson, I will take a nice guy with a gambling addiction over an utter scumbag every time.
It is my educated guess the rest of the PGA is doing drunken cartwheels in hysterical delight at the de-pantsing of his nibs. Imagine the hostility and frustration of having to get beaten by a guy also posing as a saint to the public, when the players knew without any doubt Tiger was sleazier than a New Orleans pimp.
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