Thursday, March 23, 2006

It is hard out here

We gonna drop it like it’s hot and stop it like it’s not, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

Spring has sprung
It’s officially spring time. You can tell, in Florida the teachers are taking their students outside to have sex.

A pattern
All charges have been dropped against Debbie Lafave, the attractive blonde 23-year-old Florida teacher who had sex with her 14-year-old male student. Lafave is now free to book the White Trash 15-Minutes of fame Trifecta: An appearance on Oprah, a layout in “Playboy” and finally, in one year, an article in the “People” “Where are they now?” issue.

Longer than you might think
For using his dog to torment Iraqi prisoners, an Army dog handler was sentenced to six months behind bars. That’s 42 months in dog-handling years.

Bad luck
Tired of all the prostitute jokes, the residents of Hooker Lane in Greenwich, CT petitioned to have their street’s name changed but the request backfired, the city changed the name from Hooker Lane to Paris Hilton Way.

Reprised and old joke
In the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament, tonight UCLA plays Gonzaga, if Gonzaga wins this and their next game, it will be Gonzaga in the semis. I once had Gonzaga in the semis but the penicillin cleared it right up.