Sunday, April 24, 2016

Feel free to share my awesome Chicago "By god" Blackhawks nicknames for Monday’s big game seven against the St. Louis “Not home of the” Blues.

Patrick Kane. Kaner or the Kane-Bane. (He’s the bane of the other team’s existence)

Jonathon Toews. Cappy Toes. (He's the team captain) 

Duncan Keith. Dunks or Keefers.

Richard Panik. Disco. (From Panic! at the Disco)

Marian Hossa. Hose-Man.

Andrew Shaw. Shank. (“Shawshank Redemption”)

Corey Crawford. Crawdaddy.

Andrew Ladd. Laaaaddddy. (Said in thick Scottish brogue) 

Brent Seabrook. Radio. (From CB radios) 

Marcus Kruger. Freddy.

Trevor Van Riemsdyk. Paint (Dutch Boy Paints)