Again, this is not me, but it could be me in a this-could-never-be-me kind of fashion
Let's hear it for those Chula Vista Park View All Stars, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Vice President Joe Biden spoke to the Little League World Series winners from California. These kids want this memory to last forever, and listening to Joe Biden talk is a good way to make it seem like forever.
The most amazing part about the Little League World Series ABC broadcast? How that annoying interviewer from "Hanna Montana", Moises Arias, did not end up being hung by a locker hook from his Spiderman underpants. Nice restraint, players.
Moises Arias and Luke Rameriz are a glaring example of how there are kids Disney executives think kids think are cool, and then there are kids kids actually think are cool.
They are currently testing to see if the women's World Championship 800 meter winner, South Africa's Castor Semenya, is a woman. It's the same test they run on Ryan Seacrest.
So far the test is not looking good for Semenya, they found semen in her last name. Plus she got lost on the way to the lab and didn't stop and ask for directions.
Madonna is reportedly addicted to running and is training for a six day, 150 mile ultra marathon race. Prior to this Madonna was just hooked on running her mouth.
KFC has a new bacon and cheese sandwich where they have replaced the bread with battered fried chicken. It's called the new atherosclerosis-lovers sandwich.
British police are going to re investigate the 1969 death of Rolling Stone Brian Jones as a murder. When they are done with that, they will also reexamine the death of Keith Richards.
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