Thursday, January 08, 2015

I am Charlie, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

Chicago Bear corner back, Tim Jennings, was arrested for speeding at 99 MPH and a DUI while on his way to his parent-student teacher’s conference at noon. Even Charlie Sheen is saying; “Dude, pull yourself together.”

The Washington Nationals hired former player, Rick Ankiel, as a “Life Skills Coordinator.” That humming noise you hear is Mickey Mantel spinning in his grave.

The Washington Nationals hired former player, Rick Ankiel, as a “Life Skills Coordinator.” In Babe Ruth’s era, the life skills coordinator had a different name: pimp.

According to a new report, the average college freshman reads at a seventh grade level. Asked to comment, one college freshman said; “OMG, WTF, that’s totes bogus, yo. (frowning emoji) ”

WeTV has a new show starring Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt called “Marriage Boot Camp.” And we wonder why the rest of the world hates us?

According to a new report, the average college freshman reads at a seventh grade level. That is shocking. College freshman read?

An investigation claims the NFL did not see the Ray Rice elevator tape before it was on TMZ. So, congratulations, NFL, on top of everything else, you’re also uninformed.

Jameis Winston announced he will leave college for the NFL. Well sure. Now that they are making him pay for crab legs, he will need more money.
Which team would be stupid enough to foolishly choose a player with such a bad history? So congratulations on soon being a New York Jet, Jameis.