Tuesday, January 14, 2014

OJ Simpson wrote a letter to President Obama asking to be released from prison because he doesn’t want to “…die like common jailhouse scum.” Well, calling his fellow inmates common jailhouse scum, that ought to fill OJ’s prison dance card in a hurry.

On “60 Minutes”, the guy who supplied Alex Rodriguez with drugs, Anthony Bosch, said he used to inject A-Rod in the butt because A-Rod was scared of needles; if A-Rod isn’t careful, this whole thing could make him look stupid.

New York Yankee, Alex Rodriguez, has been suspended for all of next season; giving a guy with a lot of money who lied about his drug use a year off. What could go wrong? 
New York Yankee, Alex Rodriguez, has been suspended for all of next season; 
"That's awful, we're going to miss A-Rod in October," said the Boston Red Sox fans.

Now, I don’t want to say the Carolina Panthers were poor sports, but after losing to the Forty Niners, they went in and taunted the locker room clean-up crew.

Now, I don’t want to say the Carolina Panthers were poor sports while losing to the Forty Niners, but this game was a good lesson for kids: If you put more effort into playing the game than taunting the other team, you might actually win.