Scripps Pier. Scene of the crime this morgan.
Give us a whoop-ginny one time, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers
Because she accepted $18 million for a wedding and bailed on the marriage after 72 days, critics are calling Kim Kardashian a publicity whore. That is patently unfair. Whores work for their money.
Kim Kardashian is appearing in a Tyler Perry movie called "The Marriage Counselor" and she's playing a co-worker. That's like Paris Hilton playing a virgin genius.
When she accepted the role, Kim only had one question: what is a co-worker?
Since you asked:
It is virtually impossible to overstate what a tragedy this Jerry Sandusky scandal is for the fans, students and alumni of Penn State. My intuition was the incredibly misplaced intentions of the students flipping cars for a guy, Joe Paterno, who aided in the cover-up of a guy raping fourth-grade boys, was due to shock, anger and beer.
It is also impossible to overstate the love of football in the state of Pennsylvania. It is a state that produces the best football players in history, from Joe Namath to Joe Montana. To say football is a religion in Pennsylvania is to only sound like an exaggeration.
Penn State is a football program so huge and conservative they play in practice uniforms and nobody minds.
The only thing you can say about this scandal is at least nobody was killed. But that isn’t right. These boy’s psyches are ruined for the rest of their lives. To have the second biggest figure in the state rape them murders their soul.
As a father I can't stand to think for one second how awful it would be to be the parent of one of the victims. For one second.
And now it looks like the District Attorney in charge of investigating this crime vanished in thin air with his laptop surfacing in the river without the hard drive. It will take many, many decades for Penn State to even possibly erase this tarnish if it ever does.
From everything I’ve heard and read, the wonderful Penn State football fans do not deserve this heinous tragedy.
Jerry Sandusky deserves worse than death as do all child molesters.
There is a sentiment growing that Penn State should cancel the rest of their football season. I agree.
There is also a sentiment that Penn State should abolish its football program entirely. I don't disagree.
Late entry to Things Lex Will Never Understand
Why aren't child beauty pageants illegal?
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