Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A fellow SUP broheim takes a moment

Today’s show is titled: “Fool in the Reign,” Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

The Minnesota Vikings stadium roof collapsed from too much snow. In fact, it was the worst collapse due to white powder since Lindsay Lohan.

In fact, the collapse was so quick and dramatic they’ve changed the name of the stadium to the Carolina Panthers.

According to WikiLeaks, the airing of American television shows in the Middle East is helping to stop Islamic extremism. The only questions the Muslims seem to have is: if the Professor on “Gilligan’s Island” can make a radio out of coconuts, how come he can’t fix a hole in the boat?

According to WikiLeaks, the airing of American television shows in the Middle East is helping to stop Islamic extremism. As long as they never see “Jersey Shore” if they do, we’re in trouble.

According to WikiLeaks, the airing of American television shows in the Middle East is helping to stop Islamic extremism. I think it’s true. Today Osama bin Laden released a video saying; “Thank Allah Bristol Palin didn’t win “Dancing with the Stars.”

Shiite Muslim leader, Aga Khan, is attempting to restore the image of Muslims. Aga Khan believes Westerners should embrace the belief that Muslims are peaceful, kind people and if we don’t embrace that belief, we should die like the infidel low dogs that we are

But American TV shows are raising questions for Muslims. For example, who is hotter, Maryann on “Gilligan’s Island” or “The Flintstones” Betty?

The New England Patriots beat the Chicago Bears in a snowstorm, 36-7. In fact, I haven’t seen anyone perform that badly on white powder since Lindsay Lohan’s appearances on “Ugly Betty.”

During the Miami Dolphins 10-6 win over the New York Jets, a Jets assistant coach intentionally tripped a Dolphin player on the sideline. The CBS announcer Dan Fouts said the coach should be ashamed, ESPN’s Patrick Hruby called it egregiously poor sportsmanship, and the Carolina Panthers called it heads up special teams play.

Since you asked:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: proving that the motto “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas” is a cruel hoax.

So I’m feeling pretty good. Stand up paddle board surfing is keeping my core and endurance in pretty good shape. Went for a run the other day which finishes up a big hill up Del Mar Heights. So I’m chugging pretty good and I get to the top and, pretty gassed, I check my pulse. 185. Which is damn good considering, at my age, the max is supposed to be 168.

Then I think, hell, at my age you’re lucky if your heart rate is over 0.

Just kidding. No, physically I feel about 40. Mentally 32. So I’ll take that.

Great line from “Two and a Half Men” Charlie Sheen’s Charlie Harper character after he took a nuclear-strong colon cleanser prior to his colonoscopy:

“The good news is I found a piece of Hubba Bubba I swallowed in sixth grade.”

Ahh, Potty Humor. Thy name is timeless.

Fond Christmas memory.

My Dad and I had a post-Christmas tradition of going to his office, working out at his gym, and then heading over to Bennigan’s with a few of his work pals for a beers-y late lunch of onion rings and a French Dip sandguido. Man, that was so suburban Chicago. The sky and trees would be dark grey and icy, but the Old Style beer flowed along with the laughs.

Chances were we’d both be wearing the new rugby shirt or sweater my Mom gave us.

Maybe just a little bit sad right now.